What’s your experience with the Smokeless Chulha Project?
If you’ve joined one of our workshops as an attendee or volunteer, or even if you’ve just seen our work from the sidelines… we’d love to hear from you. Please leave your comments in the Feedback Form at the bottom of this page, stating your name and which workshop you’ve been a part of.
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Train the trainer
The workshop was great from the POV of someone who wants to be a trainer. I was at Kanha too and I helped Tanzin make a few donuts but it was only in Khampur that I not just made the donuts but helped in preparing the clay, made the donuts, put them together, made the feeder and fired the stove. Khampur was great for me! ๐
Arjun Singh – Khampur Workshop
Smokeless Chulha... Awesome!
So impressed with the work being done by you guys! It really makes me happy to think there are people doing such a good work!
So obliged to attend that workshop
When I came home I was wondering that how you kind of people think for others and do such great things. I mean like we college students or other people too we just think for ourselves. We waste money on our non worthy satisfactions and the other side is you who is using his quality for the upliftment of the needy.
So obliged to attend that workshop. Really from my bottom of heart I have build up so much respect for you.
Hats off for you man!
Looking forward to see that smokeless chula be a success.
Mansi – IIT Delhi
Enjoyed it totally
Authentic workshop. Great learning , great Skill, Great mind involved. Enjoyed it totally.
Fulshima – Sainik Farm, Delhi