Winter is Here!

Use Less Wood, Make Less Smoke & Experience the Heat!
Eco Rocket Stove Shop

Media & Links

The CSR Journal

CSR: This Aussieโ€™s โ€˜rocket stoveโ€™ cuts pollution in the Himalayas


Himalayan Rocket Stove Saving Earth & Environment…

Smokeless Cookstove Foundation

“The Smokeless Cookstove Foundation using technology developed by HRS”

Economic Times - India's Top Clean Start ups

“The winners were selected from more than 150 applicants across the country. The winning solutions include technologies for smart metering, energy efficient heating and cooling systems, among others”


“Inspired by Sonam Wangchuk, this Australian college dropout is changing lives in the Himalayas…”


“Meet the 15 Cleantech Startups That Won Social Alpha Energy Challenge”

IndiaSpend - Global Journalism

“How A New Heating Stove Could Reduce Chopping Of Trees, Melting Of Glaciers”


“Clean Biomass Combustion Heating for Domestic Homes in the Himalayas and Beyond…”

The Better India

“This Australian Innovator Designed an Energy Efficient Rocket Stove to Save Trees in the Himalayas…”

TEDx IIM Ranchi

“Talking about the issue of Household Air Pollution and what we can do about it…”

Times of India

“Inspiring stories charge up IIM grads at TEDx”

Radio One Mumbai 94.3

“One on One with Hrishi Kay going in depth on the radio.”

The Tribune India

“Aussie shows warmth with his stove”

DNA - Daily News and Analysis

“Himalayan Rocket Stove: More fire, less wood and saving a million trees”

BW Disrupt - Business World

“A Social Entrepreneur Making Life in Himalayas Smokeless Again”

Nat Geo - Chasing Genius

“Chasing Genius with National Geographic”

Crowdera - Smokeless Cookstove Revolution

“Crowdfunding in India for a smoke free future”

Smokeless Cookstove Revolution on Facebook

“Dhuan Hatao – Zindigi Bachao”

Benefits of the Himalayan Rocket Stove

  • Reduced wood fuel load…
  • Saves 1 Mature Tree for every Stove in Use
  • Saves 100 Back Breaking Loadsย down the mountains
  • Saves 3500kg of CO2 from being released to the atmosphere


We’re working to makeย these stovesย available to the 20 million homes & 100 million people of the Himalayas.

Buy an Eco Rocket Stove

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